Monday, January 27, 2025

What A Novel Idea

Been teasing the fact that I have been attempting, nearly in vain, to complete my novel, something that has taken 27 years of my life. At long last, loves, I can finally announce that I am done. Finished. It's ain't over 'til it's over and it damn well is.

What began as this:

Became this: 

To this: 

Until finally, this:
Typing that title meant everything to me. Even though I had changed it from CHEAP THRILLS (the original name of the piece since its inception in the 1970s. It's true, it's true...), I've never been able to fully commit to BURY ME NOT until I finished the bloody thing. The experience gave me a myriad of emotions. First of all, a sense of relief. It's been a long haul after all. This wasn't meant to be my life's work but here I am to finally tell the tale. So pride reared its grinning head next. I accomplished the, uh, unaccomplishable...or so I believed in my bleakest moments. Without puffing out my chest too much, something else entered my consciousness. Loneliness. Odd, isn't it? This story has been my constant companion and now that it's nearly over, I can't help but miss it. There's a gap where it used to be, hopefully to be fulfilled by taking the next necessary steps on this LONG Cherney Journey.

But make no mistake. I'm not delusional, at least I head to the Grand Finale. BURY ME NOT is not a book. It is a manuscript. When it is published, one way or the other, I can indeed deem it as such. Not until then, my friends. 

These words have both guided and haunted me since they first crossed my ears. 

"The dreams that possess you will blossom and bless you...or run you insane."-El Gavilan (The Hawk) written by Kris Kristofferson


More posts about the same damn thing: