Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts

Saturday, January 01, 2022

2021 Hindsight


Oh boy! Another year in review! I realize this is a futile gesture on my part, but I'm going ahead anyway. Why? Because, dummy. I have a blog. 

I didn't bother to write one of these for 2020 because who in the name of Thanos would want to relive that moment of misery? This year was bad enough in so many ways, but at least there were glimpses of life in the fog, smog and smoke to remind us what life was like before it all went down. 

Naturally (or otherwise), we STILL had the Covid and all variants. Phase one was pretty much down and out by mid-year when many of us felt safe enough to go out not only go out in public, but to do so maskless. A trip to Costco without a face covering was near Nirvana. A visit to a restaurant was almost orgasmic. And finally getting together with loved ones? Fuhgeddaboutit.  Things began to reappear to what we used to call normal in a half-assed sort of way. 

Damn, wouldn't you know it the Delta variant began taking over and shit got real again. Just as it starts to go bye-bye, here comes Omicron to screw us all into we hope will not be oblivion. Omicron. Worst transformer ever. What's next? I'm sure there are more. How certain are we that this virus actually originated in China? It sure sounds like Hollywood is responsible for the bloody thing. Covid is like this TV series that is still inexplicably on the air way past its freshness date. And the variants? Spin-off shows of the same crappy format. Covid: Omicron. Covid: Las Vegas. Covid: Special Victims Unit.

Then there was the wacky weather that we were all dealing with and, just like 'Rona, continue to do so. There's no safe haven anymore, is there? It's all over the place. This past summer's heat wave about wiped us all out. 120° in Oregon is no goddamn way to live. Is it climate change? Well, it has changed so I guess the answer is yes. However, is it natural or unnatural? It's so bipolar that I have to go with the latter even if my logically addled brain points in the other direction. There's no doubt we have fucked up this planet beyond belief in the last century, so if all of this was supposed to happen, we could have had more protection if we only took care of it. But that would make too much sense. Ugh. 

Politics? We're still soaking in it. Anyone naive enough to buy the concept that Smokin' Joe Biden was gonna set things right after four years of Trumpamania probably believes the world will change with the changing of the calendar year. After all, 2021 began with the January 6 Capitol Riot and we're still reeling from its after effects.

Do I really have to point out the good things that occurred this last year? Just look on your goddamn phones. It's not like you actually experienced them, but you sure did chronicle them, didn't you? Trust me. They happened.

2021 was an obstacle course, kind of like those seen on American Ninja. How we have not all fallen into the water below or off the cliff entirely is beyond me. Maybe by sheer will we've made it all the way through to December 31. I guess it's all about balance, baby. Back and forth. Yin and yang. Karma chameleon. It comes and goes. Now, more than ever, this is the way life is for us. And going into 2022, it's going to be more of the same. So maintain your footing, use your upper body and mental strength and head toward the finish line. I'll see you at the end of the road. Remember when the mantra was "We're better together"? Maybe it's "Everyone for themselves" and that way we can help each other along the way. 

Happy New Year? We'll have to see about that, won't we? In the meantime, cheers to you, cheers to me and whatever will be, will be.