Showing posts with label The Self Publishing Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Self Publishing Review. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Totally Worthwhile

In the year since RED ASPHALT was published has been filled with both highs and lows, not unlike a makeshift roller coaster in a Kiddeeland amusement park.

I've had a couple of interviews (most recently-BACKSTAGE PASS on Blogtalk Radio). There have been some very decent reviews, including one just last week on The Self Publishing Review, which can be found at:

I've had a lot of excellent feedback on my book, even from a few "celebs". While this hasn't generated a flock of sales or even a a Flock of Seagulls, it has given both my work and me what my friend D.W.Landingham would refer to as "exposure". (Yes, the quotation marks are intentional and appropriate)

Now while I would love nothing better than to have a best-seller and a movie sale (hope reigns eternal in this young man's breast), I can really think of no better reward than the picture I've posted above.

That's my grandson Sebastian holding up a copy of his grandpa's book which he and his dad Matt found on the library shelf in Hillsboro, Oregon. To me, it's the proverbial picture worth a thousand words. My best buddy holding up my book in a library: Priceless.

When you least expect it, life sometimes has ways to remind you of just where stand in the world. When I saw this, I knew immediately where I fit in at this moment in time. It turns out to be a very good place indeed.