Showing posts with label SNL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNL. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

An Emmy of the People

A few thoughts on this year's Emmy broadcast.

Was it too political? Of course it was. What would you expect? This is the environment we live in these days. The pontificating that occurred during the Emmys made the other award shows pale in comparison because, as it stands now, TV rules the roost and Hollywood loves a winner...unless that winner won last year's election. Besides, when you have an agenda, you're going to take every opportunity that arises to perpetuate your deep rooted passionate point of view and how are you going to pass up speaking to the entire world? Well, the entire world that wasn't watching something else on Sunday night. Stephen Colbert's one shot (I imagine) as Emmy host was more hit than miss. Some of his material could have been sharper. Could be the topical material became what my mom used to call "tiresome'.

The winners all deserved their gold statues, I was sorry to see the sweeps of certain shows over others because I would have liked to seen it more spread out. I also dislike repeat winners since multiplicity breeds contempt in my book. But I don't begrudge any of those taking home their trophies with the exception of...

Alec Baldwin. I actually rooted against him taking the gold for his work on SNL this last year. It all boils down to what I consider to be a lousy impression. His Donald Trump is the worst kind of caricature, the kind everyone thinks they can do and usually, quite poorly. Now Baldwin is quite a good actor and has been exceptional on SNL several times in the past. But this time his politics have gotten in the way of his performance. His Trump doesn't come from a place of comedy. It comes from total hatred and it shows. Worse yet, it hurts. His ideology gives him no objectivity and muddies the waters, turning him into a mocking buffoon straight out of an Oliver Stone movie. (Anthony Atamanuik does a better Trump on his Comedy Central show.) Besides, I don't like how Baldwin's appearances on the show have taken away from more deserving cast members, actors that have to fight, beg and scrape for air time unless one of Lorne Michaels' pals wants steal the spotlight away from them.

On a more pleasant note, my girl Ann Dowd won a Best Supporting Actress for her role in The Handmaid's Tale, which I haven't seen, but I am crazy in love with this talented actress. She is part of a growing number of actresses, shall we say, of a certain age who are absolutely crushing it out there. Her fellow nominee, Jackie (Mamacita) Hoffman, not to mention Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon from this year's Feud are perfect evidence of this. Starting with Kathy Bates in absolutely everything (even Nelflix's Disjointed boondoggle) and carried on with Margo Martindale's recent successes not to mention Jean Smart, these women need to be celebrated more than they are already. Nicole Kidman can get up on stage and complain that there are no roles for older women, but the heavy lifting is being done by these fine actresses. Most of their fine work can be seen on television and that, dear people is what should be not only celebrated, but yelled from every rooftop in goddamn Hollywood.

The Emmys have the same problems as most shows of this ilk-insipid banter, nonsensical pre-recorded pieces that mostly tank and, of course, the over bearing length. But just like the Grammys, only the "major" awards make the big show, only about 15%. To hand out everything would take the same time as a Ken Burns documentary. But it's still too freaking long. Maybe if, when a series wins, the entire cast and crew aren't herded onto the stage, that is unless they use are some border collies to hustle their asses along.. Move your asses, people! As far as I'm concerned, we don't need to see the whole mishpucka.

So ends the Emmys. Enjoy your rest, folks. Awards season starts at the end of the year and everything old will be new again. Or not.