Showing posts with label Graham Regional Theatre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graham Regional Theatre. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2020

New Year's Hat Trick

Starting off 2020 with a bang, not a whimper (for a change) because three gosh-darn-it-to-heck swell things have made this the best start to a new year since, oh hell, I don't know. How about ever?

First up, my tropical adventure comedy melodrama (blimey, what a mouthful) entitled ROXANNE OF THE ISLANDS or THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SARONG  is about to be published by Off the Wall Plays. No, not self-published for a change like everything else o' mine, but a real honest to Buddha publishing house.

Ever since I started this leg of my Cherney Journey way back in the 20th century, I've sent out multiple submissions to various play publishers only to see my hopes dashed. Even in the past five years with shows with proven track records, I couldn't seem to break into the field, causing me to do the whole damn thing myself. Yes, it has reaped many benefits over time, but I still felt somehow illegitimate. With my inherent insecurity, I needed some additional validation. (What did I say about no whimpering?) Well, now that I have it, I can tell the stupid voices in my head to shut up already. (Some of them anyway, The others don't work weekends)

I'll post more info when it drops on the Off the Wall website.

Next, from the DIY division, the first play I wrote with Edward Thorpe, the New Orleans based melodrama LA RUE'S RETURN or HOW'S A BAYOU? will have its first full production of the new decade at the Graham Regional Theatre in Graham, Texas beginning January 31 and running until February 9. This production makes LA RUE the most popular show in my toolbox, a damn Energizer bunny that keeps going and going...

This also represents the culmination of a lot of hard work, getting this and my other plays out there to theaters hither and yon, then playing the nerve-wracking waiting game to get either a "Yay" or a "Nay" concerning their prospects for any upcoming theatrical seasons. When it pays off, it is always a sweet victory and, with LA RUE'S RETURN, I can share with my best friend Ed who got me started in this wacky business to begin with.


Finally, that waiting game is about to pay off for Michael K. Young's THE CASE OF THE MYSTERIOUS CRAVAT, the interactive murder mystery I've been shepherding for the past six months, has finally gotten a thumbs up from the Rogue Theatre in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin that has previously produced DEAD TUESDAY for me last year. I'm being vague about the theater company in question until we get the full confirmation. Fingers crossed that's it the first of many more to come. I'm happy for Mike because I know the feeling. The first production is like a dream come true, but the second is true validation. Bravo, sir.

For more information about Mike's script, contact me at:

It would behoove me to not believe in jinxes because I want this to be the year it all comes together. Since I am a hot neurotic mess, I always walk on thin ice, so a victory lap can be kind of dicey. However, I can honestly say for me in the year 2020, so far so good.